martes, 29 de junio de 2021

A person I admire


Teachers are very important people in the world, because they transmit their knowledge to their students, and they are the responsible of the professionals nowadays.

Who I admire

I would say without a doubt Daniela Navarro, a young teacher that inspired me to study Chemistry and Pharmacy. She was my Chemistry teacher when I was student at high school. I studied in a public high school, a school that did not have the enough resources to work in a laboratory. Products were outdated, they were not washed, and was not a very good laboratory. Despite those factors, she gave us the opportunity to go to the laboratory and we made four experiences. Even if the experiences were not that good because of lack of products, we had the opportunity to feel what a laboratory is. I liked working in a laboratory a lot, and that is why I admire her. Also she was very friendly, a very nice person and she did teach in a original and inspirative way. Without her I doubt if I would have developed interest for Chemistry.

martes, 1 de junio de 2021

A photo and its story

 The photo I chose:

So yeah... A plant growing up. It is really meaningful for me. That's because in my opinion, it represents the human being. Most of the people talk about the living beings such as animals or humans, but they forget to mention plants. 

A plant growing up is like when the human being grows up, a beautiful slow process. But it is not of normal grow up only, it can be any grow up, either emotionally, surpassing difficulties or anything else, that is why I really like the photo. You never know if the plant is going to grow up or die before growing up, that is something we face all the day, but with the necessary attention, a plant can live for a long time. It is really interesting because plants or human beings are not so different, a plant can decay like a human being can, but they can stand up anytime, which shows that nothing is impossible. I have seen a lot of plants decaying, but after some time they get back to normal, they are shining with a strong vitality, because they can if they mean it. So a plant growing up in my opinion, represents that everything is possible, any difficulty is surmountable, and if the plant decays, it can grow up again, as every human being can, physically or psychologically.

martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

My favourite Food


Food is important for the life of someone, because it gives nutrients and enough energy to live. Also it can make the life of someone healthier and enjoyable. But it is important to have a diet and control what you eat.

My favourite one

The real answer is that I do not have a favourite food or meal. I did not even think about it. I always have been someone who eats any kind a food, but never a lot. I am indifferent if it is healthy food or fast food, because I never eat a lot. I  always are aware of how much I am eating, and I also try to not eat fast food everyday, just once a week for example. Despite of that, I recognize diet and food is important in life.

Come to think about it, every time that I have the chance of eating ice cream, I do it, even at low temperatures. I do not care if there are high or low temperatures, just eating ice cream makes me feel comfortable, but as I said before, it is not something I eat everytime, just whenever I can. Probably I like ice cream because I am used to cold temperatures, and whenever I feel cold, I feel better and relaxed. The combination of sweet with cold, that is what I really think I love about ice cream, not because it is sweet or its flavour, just because of the combination. Yes, that must be it. I never thought about it, but now that I do, I can say for sure it is ice cream.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

My Favourite Piece of Technology

 About Technology

There are a lot of pieces of technology around the world, because people innovate technology every day, and each one prefers a different one, either because of comfort or anything else. So if I had to tell which is my favourite piece of technology, I would say it is my cellphone.

Why cellphone?

I would say it is easy for me to tell. The main reason I like my cellphone is because you can use it anywhere (I mean, obviously when you are not driving or walking, or special situations), and it makes things in my life better and comfortable. When I am home, it is not likely I use it all day because it is my favourite piece of technology, but everything that cellphone allows is amazing. You can download a lot of applications that are helpful, such as Email, Music Player or Notepad. Indeed, you can also have those applications in your computer, but as I said before, you can use the cellphone anywhere else, and in my opinion, it is easier than computer, because it is faster depending on what you need at a specific moment.

So that would be a point, because it is easy to use (I mean, only if you have the adequate knowledge, that is why I am saying it is my opinion). It also helps for studies, because it allows to manually access to university files, as for example, books or guides or university page. Also, it works as an alarm, it gives notifications when you receive something important, it helps people who do not have a microphone or webcam, and it allows to put filters so you can read without damaging your sight at night. It is not that I like cellphone for social networks, because the only one I use is Whatsapp, however I only use it to talk to my parents or friends, I do not use it very often, just to greet or say goodbye to my contacts, because I use my cellphone mainly for reading or watching films. I would indeed recommend a cellphone, but as you could tell, it is everything about comfort, because I know that other pieces of technology may be more comfortable to other people, or others use the cellphones in a different way, and that is something good, everything depends in what is more comfortable for you.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

My Majors in Life

Hello again! Today I'm doing a task I'm very happy to write about. And that's about every major I had since I was born, a task that's easy to tell for me, because I didn't have lot of difficulties thinking about them.

I've been interested in biology since I was kid. I had multiple animals when I was kid, and I always have been someone that loves animals a lot, for the same reason when I was kid I wanted to become a vet. I always looked a way to help someone, and being a vet allows me to achieve that.

However, when I was growing up, I realized what I really liked was investigation. Then I wanted to become an entomologist. I wanted to learn and investigate about insects, because there are a lot of different species that caught my attention. At the same time, I wanted to become a prosecutor, but I realized that law wasn't my area of interest.

When I had chemistry in my school, I adopted my definitive major, Chesmitry and Pharmacy. My dream is to become a forensic pharmacist. Since I've learnt about Chemistry, I always liked Chemistry a lot, and being a Pharmacist make my dream of helping people possible, despite of I want to work in forensics.
So that's my story, and why I love this career so much, because it has everything I like, but I'm really happy that I wanted to become a vet and entomologist, because both careers affiliated with science, which demonstrate that since I was kid I had science interest. It really really makes me happy. And well about being a Prosecutor was kinda uh... Because investigation, nothing else.

That's for today, I'm glad I have the opportunity to share this! Great day!

lunes, 19 de abril de 2021


About me

It is always important to write about you, because it allows that the people around may know you better, and it helps a lot to share interests, likes and dislikes with the people, which is something positive, because it allows you to meet new people with your same interests.



So, to start off my name is Rodrigo Jara, I'm a second year student of Chemistry and Pharmacy. I'm 19 years old. I was born in Santiago, Chile, and I've been living there since I was kid. I've lived with my family since I was born, that's me, my two older brothers, my mom and dad, but dad left when I was 16.  I love them. 

I always liked to have a positive way to see the things, and I'm someone very calm, for the same reason I like a lot of things. The thing I love the most is playing instruments, but mainly my keyboard. I've been playing keyboard for 6 years, and I feel like I'm very good at, but always trying to improve. I love to compose music lyrics, and as I like playing instruments, I can also play bass, drums, piano, transverse flute and guitar, but I'm not that good with the guitar. Besides from that, I like reading books and listen to music a lot. I like novels mainly, for their narrative way to relate the story. I like crime, mystery and noir fiction a lot, for the same reason my favorite authors are Agatha Christie and Edgar Allan Poe. I also love my two dogs, despite how long they bark haha.